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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

AVG Antivirus Free 2013 Full Download

Getting AVG installed on my twelve malware-infested test systems was a serious challenge. One test system required Safe Mode, but malware prevents AVG's command-line scan. The Rescue CD fixed that one.On another system the keyboard totally stopped working after malware cleanup. An AVG technician remote-controlled that one and determined that the keyboard driver had been damaged.
After a lengthy diagnostic session he fixed it by uninstalling the keyboard driver and letting Windows find a replacement.Malware on two test systems actively blocked AVG's Internet connection. Tech support supplied an offline installer. The antivirus still couldn't update online, so tech support supplied an offline update. That did the trick.On yet another system, AVG installed and scanned successfully, but in the process it disabled the system's connectivity. Tech support came up with a command that restored connectivity.For my testing AVG gave me expedites access to tech support. Ordinary users would have had to go through a few levels of escalation to get the help I got, but they would get help. My AVG contact verified that there would be no charge for the support required to get AVG installed and scanning properly.

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